Monday, November 2, 2015

Lives Change! A Camp Story

This past summer there was a young camper who shared with a fellow camper, "that she didn't want to be here anymore, her life wasn't worth it because of some major things going on with her father, stepmother, mother and brother." This was very concerning to her friend, so she told their counselor about what was going on .

She had a very loving and supportive counselor who encouraged her to trust Jesus in all things. They read the Bible and prayed together. Throughout the week, the counselor had many opportunities to share Christ's love for her, to study God's Word with her and to play and have fun together.

After this young camper went home, the counselor received a beautiful letter from her. in the letter, she shared how she was so thankful for her friendship and support. The camper also said that she was very thankful for the support she received and how she was encouraged to talk to her own mother, which re-established a healthy relationship with her mom. Praise God for bringing families back together. This counselor was bold in her faith and shared God's word, and when that happens - Lives change!

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