Monday, November 2, 2015

A Word from Draino: Community

I had the opportunity to worship with my family at Camp Luther Memorial Day weekend. It was a wonderful service in the Outdoor Chapel. As I looked at the families and individuals in attendance, there were many I recognized. The other thing that stuck out to me was the number of young families there. It warmed my heart.

Camp Luther's first core value reads as follows - "Provide a fun and safe Christ-centered community where faith inspires a purposeful and joyful life." Isn't it incredible that we can worship in the beauty of the Outdoor Chapel, fellowship with family and friends and then cross back over that bridge and carry our experience into the way we live our lives outside this place? I know I am filled with the Spirit every time I leave camp, and I have seen it in the lives of my family as well. We are blessed by this place we call Camp Luther and that is why it is so exciting to share in this exciting time at this incredible place.Before the campaign began for camp, it was important that a Prayer Team be created. This team has and continues to spend time praying that the Lord's will is at the center of all our efforts, thanking Him for His continued faithfulness to His people. They are also praying that His people would be open and willing to serve on the many committees being put together.

In answer to those prayers, the group of individuals serving on our Steering Committee is a dynamic group of people, each with gifts that will be used during this process. I am blessed and humbled to serve with such amazing servants.

The Camp Luther Campaign Steering Committee held their first meeting on April 11, 2015. We spent the first portion of the meeting introducing ourselves and sharing our connections to Camp Luther. It was awesome to hear how everyone is connected to camp. People's passion for camp and the ministry was so evident during this sharing time. The room was definitely
"Filled with the Spirit!"

The Steering Committee continues to be dedicated to the mission, vision and core values of camp through the process of this campaign. Serving others and challenging God's people to fulfill His mission in serving others was discussed with many great ideas came out of this sharing time!

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