Monday, May 4, 2015

Welcome Anne Hartman our Campaign Chair

Dear Friends in Christ,

When I think about how many people have crossed over that little bridge in the last 68 years, it warms my heart.  The history that Camp Luther holds is priceless.  The vision that was put in place in 1946 has been clearly blessed by our Lord and we need to continue to grow that vision.

In 2014, the staff chose the theme "Here We Grow".  And we have.  Over the last 65 plus years, Camp Luther has grown into an incredible Christian camp, basing our values on Christ centered community, relationships, servant leadership and meaningful service to God.  Each person that crosses that bridge is brought into a community that builds them up in these values to go back out to the community they live in and live out the gospel and share the good news.  

I was reluctant to cross that bridge over 30 years ago.  My mom made me go to camp after we joined a new church and she had heard about Camp Luther.  I had never been to camp, much less a Christian camp and now I was being forced to go, and worse than that, I barely knew the girl she made me go with.  Crossing that bridge changed my life.

Thousands of lives have been blessed by the ministry of this special place. Lives have been changed and memories made.

In 2001 when the new retreat center was dedicated, this verse was chosen to be on the  cornerstone,"Surely the Lord is in this place."  Genesis 28:16.  the Lord is in this place of Camp Luther.  He has been here since 1946 and He will continue to be here as we strive to share the Gospel and build up the body of Christ.

I am humbled and honored to be a part of this Campaign effort . I can't wait to see how the Lord will guide and direct us on this journey. 

God's richest blessings,

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